Thursday, October 14, 2010

Just a thought.

Bud Light is for pussies.
Thank you.

so, here we are....

Well, I never thought this would be my thing, but here I am. If you want a preview, this will probably be an outlet for a lot of sexual frustration and leftover teenage angst. Someone told me I should just keep a journal instead of a blog, because I don't really care if anyone reads this. Oh well. I'm going completly anonymous, because I'll probably mention some people and stories that shouldn't be spoken of. I browsed some random blogs before I started mine, just to get a gist of the whole thing. People really dedicate a piece of the internet just to their kid. One kid. What the fuck is wrong with this picture? I'm pretty sure most people see me (the drinking, smoking, whoring, foul-mouthed, cynica,l all-around asshole)  as the decline of western civilization. I say nay nay. People who write blogs about little Timmy's first day of school are the ones to be blamed. I work 40 hours a week, and fuck off for the other 128. I don't have time to blog about the shit Timmy took during recess and Timmy's slightly awkward homosexual tendencies. I dunno, maybe I'm just old fashioned. This whole process is pretty fucking ridiculous to say the least, like anyone out there really cares what I have to say. Oh well, maybe I'm good at it. I could get a job Tweeting professional for some fortune 500 company. You never know, shit like that really happens. Oh well. I feel like i really got my point across and got a lot of stuff off my chest. Getting my feelings out like this might help me with my long list of insecurities. hey wait...........NOT! haha gotcha. see you next time.